Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fire Risk Assessment Uk Fire Risk Assessment?

Fire risk assessment? - fire risk assessment uk

I tried to find information to make a fire risk assessment and a website. that is, if 5 or fewer people are employed do not have to be in a place seems to be. in dyslexic and can easily someone could tell me if my assumptions are correct, you have misinterpreted.
We have a small garage / car sales in the United Kingdom and do not employ anyone.

thank you very much: o)


Graham Ferris said...

Hi Claire, all business premises have to have a fire risk assessment, however, if there are less than 5 employees the assessment does not have to be written down. But, lets say for argument you do the assessment and having only e.g 3 employees you keep it in your head. Murphy's law states that on the day you go to the supplier or are off the local fire officer will call round and ask to see the fire risk assessment or give him examples of the knowledge held by staff etc He/She will not be impressed when the staff member on duty states 'I don't know - the lady who knows is off today'. the fire officer will be far more impressed if you have written something down even one side of A4 for thenm to look at.
Kind regards
Graham Ferris

sheetwow... said...

This means that we are still one, but not its promulgation. If you keep your life, you will be sufficient, and once a year. It is a fact that, save the assessments of the risk of fire alive. A popular hotel fire there about 2 years, 3 people were not lax - and killed before someone yells "fire" fire FRA sufficiently addressed.

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